Magdalena Custodio Espinar

Magdalena Custodio Espinar received her PhD in Education in 2018 from Complutense University of Madrid and received the Extraordinary Doctorate Award in 2019. She was Technical Advisory Teacher for the Regional Ministry of Education, Madrid, Spain, and has provided in-service and pre-service teacher training in numerous courses. She has extensively published her research on bilingual education and CLIL in indexed scientific journals and reputed publishing houses. She has been invited as a visiting scholar in prestigious universities, such as Granada University, the University of Castile La Mancha in Spain, and the Yokohama City University, and Sophia University in Japan, where she is honorary member of the Japan CLIL Pedagogy Association (J-CLIL). Currently, she is teaching and researching in the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences at Comillas Pontifical University in the Department of Education Research Methods and Evaluation. Research interests include teacher training, lesson planning, CLIL, FLT, ELT, EMI, co-teaching, STEM/STEAM, and recently AI.